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Never use frame sets for your SEO Friendly website.  

Thursday, August 05, 2010

A frame set divides e.g. your website in a menu structure on the left of the page and the content on the right side. Using a frame set was very popular with website builders in the Nineties. A frame set gave the possibility to manage the content on your website more easily and presenting your website more clearly. But it is not SEO Friendly Website solution. If you want to use your website as a Marketing Tool for you to drive lead or convert your sales, it is very important that you need to Avoid using framesets for you website!

Important objections to use frames

  • Search engines are not able to handle frames. Search results will refer to the document with the relevant information, regardless if the document is part of the frame set or not.
  • This could lead to the fact that the visitor isn't presented with the menu or navigation that should be part of that document.
  • Bookmarks don't seem to work properly. It is possible to bookmark a sub document separately, but once the page is opened again, the context of the main document is gone.
  • Frequently it's not possible to print a page with frames.
  • Fold out menu's are only presented in their own frame. This leads to the fact that the sub items will not appear in the navigation menu on the main page.

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